• VEX/VEXIQ/VEX Robotics is educational robotics for everyone. VEX solutions span all levels of both formal and informal education with accessible, scalable, and affordable solutions. Read more about them at https://www.vexrobotics.com
  • REC foundation is “The Robotics Education & Competition Foundation” and they spark interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) by engaging students in hands-on, sustainable, and affordable curriculum-based robotics programs. https://www.roboticseducation.org
  • The Northshore STEM Coalition is a collaborative organization of stakeholders dedicated to improving STEM education and workforce opportunities in the Louisiana Northshore region. https://northshorestem.org
  • LaSTEM is an advisory counsel under the Louisiana Board of Regents that was formed During the 2017 legislative session in relation to the the legislature approved ACT 392 to create the Louisiana Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (LaSTEM) Advisory Council. https://www.laregents.edu/lastem